The goal of media buying and planning is to target the

Appropriate audience with the most relevant message at the most optimal time.

A well-executed campaign can get maximum exposure with little outlay of resources while making a long-lasting impact.

Improve Results
with a better Media Buying today

Do you want to increase ROI?
Boost your website's organic traffic.

Finding and buying ad space on channels frequented by your target audience is what media buying and planning is all about. With the correct approach, brands can gain power and their ties with customers can be strengthened.


Effective, Expandable, and Future-Proof

The most up-to-date research and analysis tools are essential for efficient planning and purchasing. Media purchasing agency Adcliq360's Performance has been around for a long time and has helped companies all over the globe interact with consumers.

We go beyond search engine optimisation.

In order to achieve your marketing goals, we will collaborate with you to plan purchases and purchase media across all platforms. Our media buying strategy is completely customisable, and we're here to help you every step of the way.


Come on, let's get things done!

Send us a message and we'll be happy to discuss your media buying needs.
Just send us a note, and we'll respond right away. Call +91 9310825109 to get a free quote.

Benefits of Media Buying

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More views, improved ad placements

If you purchase media, your branded messaging won't have to depend on organic traffic to go viral on the web. This gives you the peace of mind to launch an ad campaign knowing it will produce results.

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Personalized advertising

Media buying and planning allows you to restrict the amount of money you spend on ads. This allows you to fine-tune your campaign and get the optimal ratio of brand exposure to conversions.

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Various adverts

Advertising space is available on many platforms, including search engines, social media, and more. You can try out various ad types and see how your user metrics change as a result.

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Monitor Who Uses Your Site

With Google Analytics, you can learn all about your site's visitors.

Things to Consider Before Hiring an SEO Agency

Frequently Asked Questions

What measures are you using to assess the success of organic SEO?

It is crucial that the agency's key performance indicators (KPIs), which are used to gauge success, line up with your corporate objectives. The approach is also a crucial component. Does the agency use a tool that you control or does it use proprietary reporting software? Google alerts users to steer clear of SEO companies who promise them top ranks (read more about Google's policies).

What then is a suitable KPI for SEO campaigns if it's not keyword rankings? At SmartSites, we track Organic Search Traffic using your Google Analytics account. In addition to Conversions from Organic Search, we also examine Visits.

Other well-liked KPIs include of:

Sales for Ecommerce SEO
Calls for Local SEO
CRM Reporting for National SEO


The process of appearing in Google's organic search results is known as organic SEO. This is accomplished by creating high-quality content, establishing pertinent backlinks, and having a fantastic website. Paying Google for each click is known as paid search, or Google PPC, or paid SEO. You only need to pay Google; excellent content and a fantastic website are helpful, but not necessary. Although it takes time to establish, organic SEO has long-lasting advantages. On the other hand, PPC offers immediate benefits that vanish the moment you cease making payments.

There are benefits associated with both Paid and Organic SEO; the ideal option for you will depend on your business goals, resources, and speciality. But bear in mind that there is a benefit to using both paid and organic search engine optimisation. The shared data between both channels results in the best overall outcome because they both target the same users and keywords.

Even If I Cancel, Will The Organic Benefits Remain?

The fact that SEO has more lasting effects than any other form of promotion may be its biggest advantage. This is unlike the case with, say, PPC or physical billboards, where the advantages end the moment you cease making payments.

This is what you ought to search for: Ensure that all of the work is yours. There can be no exceptions: the domain and website must be yours. The content is in the same boat. Does the SEO firm guarantee you a library of one hundred pages? Excellent, but be sure it belongs to you alone and that you can keep it. We see this all too frequently: companies come to us with websites that have the best material that isn't really theirs and that they have to pay huge licence costs to preserve forever. Everything we create, write, produce, or work on for you with SmartSites is entirely your property.

Approaches that use purchased links with caution. Purchasing links for the websites of their clients is a "popular" tactic that some agencies opt to use. Ultimately, it's quite alluring! Buying connections is a simple and efficient technique to get the desired outcome. You don't need to worry about producing content that is "link-worthy," and purchasing links is actually less expensive than the laborious process of obtaining links naturally. However, there are two main issues: Buying links for SEO is prohibited by Google's TOS, to start. Second, as soon as you cease making payments to the agency, the linkages will vanish. At SmartSites, we prioritise outreach and building enduring partnerships.